Friday, July 25, 2008


As our departure date looms closer I decided to take a quick survey of our team members to give the church a better idea of the overseas experience of our team members.

Katie Friedrich

1. Have you ever been to Africa before? Ever been overseas before?
I have been overseas several times before, but never to Africa.

2. What are you most nervous about? Most excited about?
I don't know if I am really nervous about anything yet. I may become more nervous as our departure date draws closer, but for now I'm mostly excited! I think I'm most excited about working with the people in Rwanda and having fellowship with Rwandan believers.

3. How can the congregation be praying for you as you prepare to go?
Prayer is so vital to the success of our trip! I think a few things the congregation can pray for specifically are health and safety for the team, open hearts of the people we work with and minister to as well as open hearts of our team, ease in communicating God's love, and that God's presence will be felt throughout the trip.

Matthew Barr

1. Have you ever been to Africa before? Ever been overseas before?
This will be my first time to africa, but i have been overseas before to Spain, and i went to the Rock of Gibralter, where i could see Morroco across the channel. So i dont know if that counts as going to Africa, all i did was see it.

2. What are you most nervous about? Most excited about?
I am extremely nervous about this mission for it will push me to my limit, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And i am nervous because i dont know if i am ready for it. i am the youngest person on the team, and i dont know if i'll be prepared. I am most excited for the work that we will be doing, building, and communicating Gods love through that! it is going to be a rush and i cant wait to see how God will work through me! I will not be able to do it on my own, and the only way to make it will be to rely on God for everything! And going to Africa in general is cool, that alone just pumps me up!

3. How can the congregation be praying for you as you prepare to go?
You can be praying for me by asking Gods protection over us as a group and keeping those spiritual battles that lie ahead at bay, and for me individually, pray for strength for me and that i will truly give my all for the people and whatever task may be handed to me. That i will not give up, and keep God my center focus. and that i will go with the right heart, that i am going not for me and my benifit, but for Gods.

Bob Gentili

1. Have you ever been to Africa before? Ever been overseas before?
No I have never been to Africa, but I did watch Tarzan as a kid on our black & white tv on Saturday mornings. Yes , I have been overseas. Last year I went to Papua New Guinea with the Valley team and in the early 70's Vietnam, Thailand, and the Phillippines.

2. What are you most nervous about? Most excited about?
I'm not so much worried about the trip; although, I think about the travel glitches and language barriers.

3. How can the congregation be praying for you as you prepare to go?
The congregation can pray for our team's health & safety and that we are able to work well as a team so we will be a good example of Christ and His love for the people of Rwanda.

Jules Hays

1. Have you ever been to Africa before? Ever been overseas before?
Yes, I spent a month in Swaziland, which is down in southern Africa, as an AIDS educator in 2005. I have been on other missions trips to Mexico and Costa Rica as well.

2. What are you most nervous about? Most excited about?
I am worried that I won't be able to keep up my energy level. I take a medication that slows me down a lot, and being lethargic in Africa sounds frustrating. (Also, I am dreading all the hours sandwiched into a plane seat.) I am most excited to meet the people and hear their stories. I am excited for the photographic opportunities Rwanda will present.

3. How can the congregation be praying for you as you prepare to go?
Please pray that I can relax and trust in the Lord to provide for all my needs.
Pray against Satan and his power to work evil in our lives, please pray that the Holy Spirit will protect and keep us!

Aimee Hendrick

1. Have you ever been to Africa before? Ever been overseas before?
This is my first time to Africa. I've been overseas a couple times - once to Thailand in '03 and once to Papua New Guinea in '07.

2. What are you most nervous about? Most excited about?
At this point I'm not really nervous about anything...I am most excited about coming alongside of the Rwandan believers in what they are doing in ministry, and to work with the team!

3. How can the congregation be praying for you as you prepare to go?
Pray for a flexible heart & willing, humble attitude to be used however, wherever, whenever the Lord gives opportunity. Pray for personal growth & understanding of God through this experience. Pray for unity & effectiveness of ministry of our team. Thank you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you all on your trip (especially for you Dad)! We can't wait to hear about all God does through each of you on this trip! Love, The Monroes :-)