Friday, July 11, 2008

Glasses Cases

In preparation for our eyeglass ministry in Rwanda, a group of lovely ladies from the church are sewing soft cases to protect the glasses we transport. The traditional hard side case is not space efficient. The soft cases that are being sewn are small so as not to take up too much of our precious luggage space. The new cases are also very good looking. The fabrics are full of color, with a matching lining.

Let's walk through the steps to the creation of a glasses case.

Step 1: measure and cut fabric

Step 2: iron edge piece

Step 3: fold fabric into proper shape, sew seam with a tight stitch approximately 1/2 centimeter from raw edge of fabric, tack on edging

Step 4: chat with the woman across the table from you

Step 5: insert glasses into finished case!

(if confusion remains about process, refer to photo below for all 5 steps in progression)

These stitching sensations are working to finish 300 glasses cases before we leave on August 4th. They will be having another work time to continue making cases. If you are interested in helping out, talk to one of the women pictured here and I am sure they could give you information. I will post an announcement when the next work time is planned.

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